There has been so much love for Tulsa’s architecture in the national spotlight these last couple of weeks, and we wanted to highlight a few of our favorites!
A massive “Thank You” to The Daily Beast for such an amazing piece on Tulsa Architecture. Click on the image to admire Boston Avenue Methodist Church, the Tulsa Club Hotel, Philbrook Museum of Art, The Philtower Building, midcentury gems like The Vault and Oral Roberts University’s fantastic campus, the stunning Philcade Building, the Gathering Place, and a side trip to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art!
Tulsa’s beautiful Art Deco buildings are also featured by Architectural Digest! Click on the image to enjoy this short interview with TFA Trustee Shane Hood and photos from Rhys Martin, Cloudless Lens. Thank you, George Kaiser Family Foundation, for keeping Tulsa’s assets in the National spotlight!
Click on the image to check out this great article from IE Vie – Magazin online highlighting the importance of Tulsa’s architecture and our successes in preserving and celebrating it. We were delighted to be asked to tell the story!
Showing travel writers around is an honor for us at TFA! We hope Tulsa’s appreciation for our own architectural and historic resources continues to grow as more national attention finds us.