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Donald McCormick, FAIA (1898-1996)

Born: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Training: Cornell University, lthaca. New York, B.A. Architecture, 1921
Oklahoma License: 1926-
Tulsa Practice: 1926-


  • Mid-Continent Oil Service Station Diamond DX, Sapulpa, Oklahoma (1929)*
  • Southern Hills Country Club, 61st & Lewis (1936, J. D. Forsyth and McCormick, Associated Architects)
  • Bureau of Mines, Bartlesville, Oklahoma (1941, D. McCormick and F. V. Kershner, Associated Architects)
  • Grace Lutheran Church, northwest corner 6th Place & Lewis (1951)
  • Federal Court Building and Post Office, Civic Center (1967, Black & West, McCormick, and Leon Senter & Associates, Associated Architects)
  • Southroads Mall, northeast corner 41st and Yale (1963, Lathrop Douglas and D. McCormick, Associated Architects)*
  • Cascia Hall, 25th & Yorktown (1924)
  • Constance Eirich Residence, 2462 East 30th Street
  • R. Otis McClintock Residence, 2211 East 41st Street (J. D. Forsyth and D. McCormick, Associated Architects)
  • Gaskell Residence, 2831 East 27th Place
  • Brander Residence, 2219 East 45th Place
  • H. Butler, Jr. Residence, 3311 South Zunis
  • McCormick has custom-built over 200 residences in Tulsa. He has completed most of the major construction at Hillcrest Medical Center.